Monday, 14 September 2015

Healthy Snack for Toddler - Roasted Nori Seaweed

Source:  smartbitesforbaby 
Buy the large Japanese nori sheets – pictured with Magnus – because they come unflavored and unsalted. They are usually not as crunchy as the Korean-style nori, but you can roast them quickly in the oven, sprinkle salt (or not) and they are just as crunchy without containing too much salt.

Roasted Nori

2 Large Japanese Sushi-style Nori
1 teaspoon of sea salt

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Prepare baking sheet with parchment paper.
3. Place nori sheets, sprinkle with salt and roast for 2-4 minutes. Not more. They should be light and crunchy.
4. Let cool and serve.

Source:  smartbitesforbaby 

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