Saturday, 27 June 2015

Cooking with Toddler: hard boiled egg

First, have your child place the eggs in a pot on the stove.  Fill the pot with water an inch or two above the eggs and turn the stove on to high.  You could also try putting in a teaspoon of baking soda which is supposed to help them peel even easier.  Wait until the water comes to a boil, cook 1 minute, and turn off the heat.  Cover and let the eggs cook for about 15 minutes.

Remove them from the heat and simply let the eggs sit until they are cool enough to handle, or put some ice into the pot.  If you want to use the eggs for later, I suggest putting the whole pot, including the water, in the refrigerator.  That way the water keeps the lining that is under the shell moist so it’s easy to remove.

Peel and enjoy!

Sources:,  popsugar 

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